By Jake Loll, Director of Business Services
On November 7, Iowans across the state will head to the polls to elect candidates to their local school boards. School board members are elected to 4-year terms.
The Norwalk Community School District board of directors consists of five members. All directorships are “at-large”, meaning candidates may reside at any location within the school district. A candidate must be at least 18 years of age. The Norwalk board of directors conducts one regular meeting per month and usually holds a second special meeting most months.
Three of the five positions will be up for election in the fall. Members with expiring terms are David Albrecht, Michelle Kelly, and Maribeth Wright. Director Wright has been on the school board since 2013 and has served as board president since 2019. Director Albrecht has served on the school board since 2015. Director Kelly has served on the school board since 2019. Other school board members are Justin Fletcher and Brian Rausch. We are very grateful to all current and past board members for the dedicated service and the skillful leadership they have provided to the school district.
To become a candidate for the school board, a citizen must submit a nomination petition to the Board Secretary. The nomination forms are available at the Norwalk Community School District office located at 380 Wright Road, during normal office hours of 8:00 am to 4:30 pm or at the Iowa Secretary of State website https://sos.iowa.gov/elections/electioninfo/schoolelections.html. The nomination petition must contain the signatures of a minimum of 50 eligible electors (citizens eligible to vote) within the Norwalk Community School District. (It is recommended that candidates secure 75 signatures.) Once this petition is submitted, the candidate completes an affidavit of candidacy, declaring their intent to run for term of office. The affidavit of candidacy must be submitted to the board secretary by 5:00 pm, September 21st. The Board Secretary will submit these forms to the county auditor to verify eligibility. Once this process is complete, the candidate’s name is officially placed on the ballot.
Below is a timeline of dates specific to the November 7, 2023 school election. Voters will cast their ballot at their normal polling location. If you have questions, please contact the Warren County auditor’s office at 515-961-1020. The polling hours are 7 am to 8 pm.
2023 School Election Calendar
August 28, 2023: First Day for Candidate to File Nomination Petitions with Board Secretary and Complete Affidavit of Candidacy. The Affidavit of Candidacy is available at the Office of the Board Secretary or the state website https://sos.iowa.gov/elections/electioninfo/schoolelections.html.
September 21, 2023: Last Day for Candidate to File Nomination Petitions with Board
Secretary (Deadline is 5:00 PM, Thursday, September 21, 2023)
September 22, 2023: Board Secretary to File Nomination Papers with County Auditor & File of any Public Measures to be placed on the ballot, Due to county auditor by Noon
September 26, 2023: Last Day for Candidates to Withdraw by Filing a Written Request
With the Board Secretary (Deadline is 5:00) (Last day for citizens to file a petition challenging a candidate’s nomination)
October 23, 2023: Last day to request an absentee ballot to be mailed. Deadline is 5 p.m.
November 7, 2023: General Election Day, Polls Open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM
November 13 or 14, 2023: Warren County Board of Supervisors Canvass and Certify Election Results
November 2023: School Board Reorganization Meeting – TBD