Face Coverings on School Buses
Dear Warrior Families,
Welcome back for the 2021-2022 school year! Our district and other districts across the country continue to navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic and guidance from local, state and federal sources related to the pandemic. The NCSD Board of Directors approved the Norwalk CSD Return to Learn Plan 2021-2022 on Monday, August 9, which includes a requirement for face coverings while riding in school vehicles. After receiving guidance from the Iowa Department of Health (IDPH) and Iowa Department of Education (DE), and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), our district will be requiring face coverings for anyone riding in a district vehicle. Students will be required to wear face coverings while riding on school buses. Here is the relevant language from the Return to Learn Plan:
“While masks are not required by state law, per a CDC interpretation of a Presidential Executive Order the district is continuing to ask that masks be worn on school bus transportation. Should we receive updated guidance regarding mask wearing on school buses, we will notify families immediately.”
Thank you to everyone for your cooperation with this district Return to Learn Plan expectation. Individuals who have a question about the requirement to wear face coverings while riding in school vehicles should direct those questions to Superintendent Magee at dmagee@norwalk.k12.ia.us.